It is now election season! To learn all about the slate of candidates running for office, please visit:
Update 3/1/2021: Below is a reminder of upcoming deadlines from the desk of President Michael A. Newsome.
Important upcoming VUUNAA Election Dates
March 3, 2021 (Wednesday) – Deadline to choose the type of ballot you prefer.
If you want a paper ballot you must request it from the Elections committee:
Milton Howze: [email protected]
Angela Mitchell: [email protected]
Electronic ballot is the default option if committee is not notified.
March 8, 2021 – All VUUNAA members who are eligible to vote and who have a valid email address on file will receive their 2021 ballot via the email
address on file in VUUNAA membership database. All VUUNAA members who are eligible to vote and only have a mailing address on file will receive a paper ballot.
Below is the election timeline:
February 15, 2021 – Official start of the campaign period. Bios and headshots will be posted on the VUUNAA website.
March 8, 2021 – Election Runner Voting System will be opened for the start of electronic voting. Paper ballots will be mailed to members who do not have a valid email address but have valid mailing address on file.
April 23, 2021 – Final Postmark date for paper ballots. Any paper ballots postmarked after 4/23/21 will not be considered valid and will not be counted.
May 1, 2021 (11:59 pm) – Deadline for electronic voting. Election Runner Voting System will automatically shut down and not accept votes.
May 7, 2021 (12:00 NOON) – Final check of the VUUNAA PO Box for any remaining ballots (that are postmarked 4/23/21 or earlier). Committee will count paper ballots and prepare a report with final results.
May 7, 2021 5:30 pm-VUUNAA Commencement Meeting
Election results will reported to the general body at the VUUNAA Commencement meeting by the VUUNAA President (May 7, 2021).
Please read the message below from our VUUNAA President, which was emailed to the VUUNAA membership on Feb. 2, 2021.
Dear Unionites:
In preparation for our upcoming election, the VUUNAA Nominations and Elections Committee is asking that all members log into our WildApricot Membership Portal to verify their contact information – specifically, their email address and/or mailing address. Please ensure that your contact information is accurate. This is important, as VUUNAA is simplifying our elections process by implementing an new online election process via the ElectionRunner website and mobile app.
What does this mean for you?
- All VUUNAA members who are eligible to vote and who have a valid email address on file will receive their 2021 ballot via the email address on file in WildApricot no later than March 8, 2021.
- All VUUNAA members who are eligible to vote and only have a mailing address on file will receive a paper ballot.
- All VUUNAA members who are eligible to vote and do not have an email address nor a mailing address on file will not receive a ballot.
- In order to vote in the 2021 election, your dues for the 2020-2021 fiscal year must be paid, received, and receipted by February 14, 2021 at 11:59pm. If you pay your dues online via our membership portal by the deadline, you will be eligible to vote in the upcoming election.
If you have questions regarding the nominations/elections process, please contact one of the following members of the Nominations & Elections Committee:
- Milton Howze at [email protected]
- Angela Mitchell at [email protected]
If you have challenges accessing your membership profile, please follow the following steps:
- Visit
- Click on the “Log-in/Profile” icon and enter the email address where you received this email.
- Enter your password. If you forgot your password or never established a password, click on “Forgot Password” to establish a new one.
- Once logged-in, click on the “Log-In/Profile” icon again, and click on “View Profile.”
- Click on “Edit Profile” to update your contact information,
- Click “Save” to record your changes.
If, after following these steps, you still cannot access your profile information, please email Dr. Eboni Haynes at[email protected] for assistance.
Please ensure your profile information is updated no later than February 14, 2021 by 11:59pm to ensure your access to an electronic or paper ballot.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Michael A. Newsome, President
Virginia Union University National Alumni Association, Inc.